707-763 -6191
Children's Corner
Preschool & Childcare Center
Making a Difference One Child at a Time
Monday thru Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Most Frequently Asked Questions
School Name?
Children’s Corner Preschool and Childcare Center
Do you have a license? Yes. (Facility #490108735)
How many children are in Children's Corner Preschool?
There are an average of 85 children that attend Children’s Corner each day. There are a total of 130 families enrolled in our school.
What is the adult/child ratio in your Petaluma Daycare?
Twos Program: 2 teachers/14 children
Threes Program: 1 class with 2 teachers/18 children
1 class with 1 teacher/10 children
1 class with 1 teacher/8 children
Pre-Kindergarten programs:
1 class with 2 teachers/20 children
2 classes with 1 teacher/12 children
What is a typical daily routine/schedule in your childcare?
Each class follows a similar routine, which consists of morning circle time, curriculum (center based activities which include art, sensory experiences, manipulative, language experiences, dramatic play and free play), snack time, outside time, circle/share and lunch.
For extended care, we include a rest period or “nap time”.
We also have an afternoon snack, table activities/free play and outside time.
What experience, qualifications, or training do you have?
Administration: Jan Cicchetto (Director) : 35 years experience – both working together and running the school. Each share backgrounds in childhood development/administration, as well as many years of individual classroom experience.
Teaching Staff: All head teachers have credentials in Early Childhood Education and many years of classroom experience. Additionally, all Staff Members are certified in CPR.
What is the staff turnover rate?
We have 17 staff members boasting an average of 15 years of service. We take great pride in the fact that the teachers have built their teaching careers at Children’s Corner.
What are the rules about visiting Children’s Corner?
We welcome you to call the school to set up an appointment to come see the school. During the visit you will meet with the Director and then meet the teachers in the classroom. This usually takes 45 minutes to one hour depending on questions, etc. You are more than welcome to bring your child with you, as well. Once your child is enrolled you may visit at any time. We have an “open door” policy.
What is the cost of Children's Corner Child Care?
Full Time Rates & Flexible Schedules
Rates vary according to your schedule. We offer a lot of flexibility with hours and days of attendance. Tuition is based on only the hours used and tailored to your individual needs. We do not charge for observed holidays. Plus, you will be allotted a certain number
of sick/vacation days that can be used each year.
Do you have experience or training in identifying and working with children who have special needs?
The Directors – as well as many of the teachers – have had classes, workshops and hands-on experience identifying and working with children who have special needs. At Children’s Corner, we feel it is essential to pay close attention to how each child grows and develops within the preschool setting. If we identify an area of concern with a child, the teacher(s) will schedule a conference with the parents and an appropriate plan will be devised.
How much TV/video time is included in the daily childcare program schedule?
We do not include TV or video time in our daily curriculum.
What kinds of meals and snacks are served in daycare?
Parents provide lunch for their children. The school provides snacks twice per day. Snacks generally consist of fruit and whole grain crackers as well as filtered water. We no longer serve juice due to most parents concerns of sugar content.
Is Children's Corner a Nut Allergy Aware School?
We are a nut free school. Due to the severity and sensitive nature of the various nut allergies amongst many children, our families are happy to abide by a "nut-free school zone" policy.
Do you have a contract that covers fees, method of payment, illness, vacation?
Yes, we have all this information available to you. Upon enrollment, you will be given a packet, which explains everything you will need to know about the school including fees and policies. You will also be required to fill out specific forms for your child that will be kept on file at the school. These forms include such things as emergency information and contacts, medical release, health history, etc.